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Lightmeters at the Kuffner-Observatory, Vienna

Kuffner-Sternwarte, Lightmeter Nord Northern Lightmeter

  Station: at_kuffner1  
  Sensor:   S/N 918021 , Mark 2.3l 
  Location: on mast N of refractor dome
  Installed 2011-06-01 at KSW mast N of dome on roof of Vertikalkreis
  (Sensor-upgrade to Mark 2.3l S/N 021);
  Zweiter Standort der Kuffner-Lightmeter nach Tests auf dem Ost-Dach, "Quantenbox";

Kuffner-Sternwarte, Lightmeter Süd, Southern Lightmeter

Lightmeter Süd auf dem S-Dach der Kuffner-Sterwnwarte, nach der Neuinstallation im May 2016
 Station: at_kuffner2
 Sensor:  S/N 918033 ,  Mark 2.3l
 Location: On top of the south roof 
           (Lesereaum, Vestibül, Nähstube)
 Installed: May 2014, new mount: autumn 2015; 2016-05-26

Daten Schnellansicht der letzten Woche

Find last week's data at http://www.lightdata.at.vu



Calibration for Mark2.3l, Data: aug. 28th/29th 2011

calibrated: sept. 1st, 2011
 In [4]: x=lies_Verzeichnis('/home/lightmeter1/Desktop/LIGHT/atkuffner2011-08-30/', Datenschritt=3, Format="Lightrouter");
 In [5]: x.Observer.elev=280; x.Observer.lat="48:12:46.13"; x.Observer.long="16:17:28.75"; # kuffner
 In [6]: x.plot_NatLight(); x.plot_Mond_GR_Lux_h_extinction()
 In [8]: ssh1=(x.Sunheight_deg_from_JD(x.JD)>30)|((x.Sunheight_deg_from_JD(x.JD)<0)&(x.Sunheight_deg_from_JD(x.JD)>-18))
 In [9]: sjd1=(x.JD>mx.DateTime.DateTime(2011,8,29,0,0,0).jdn) & (x.JD<mx.DateTime.DateTime(2011,8,29,5,0,0).jdn)
 In [10]: sjd2=(x.JD>mx.DateTime.DateTime(2011,8,29,7,45,0).jdn) & (x.JD<mx.DateTime.DateTime(2011,8,29,8,54,0).jdn)
 In [16]: sjd3=(x.JD>mx.DateTime.DateTime(2011,8,28,14,0,0).jdn) & (x.JD<mx.DateTime.DateTime(2011,8,28,18,43,0).jdn)
 In [21]: snd1=(x.JD>mx.DateTime.DateTime(2011,8,29,7,42,0).jdn) & (x.JD<mx.DateTime.DateTime(2011,8,29,7,46,0).jdn)
 In [38]: SELECT=(sjd1|sjd2|sjd3)&ssh1&(~(snd1))
 In [39]: x.fit_em1_to_natLight(JD_select=SELECT, Lux_range=[0.00001,300000]);
 Fit: a,b,c,x0,d,: 1.957e+05,1.872e-03,1.158e-06,-5.949e-03,5.579e-03, (res2/(N-n-1))^1/2 = 0.0759 ,N=5791,n= 5
 In [40]: a,b,c,x0,d= 1.957e+05,1.872e-03,1.158e-06,-5.949e-03,5.579e-03
 In [48]: x.plot_Sunlight_Watt_per_square_meter_from_JD_DM(surface_pressure=978.0, T_dew_C=15.0, factor=110.8, c='c', marker=',' , linestyle=':')
 In [49]: legend(prop=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='small'),loc='center left')
 In [50]: x.set_simple_time_axis_format()

a , b , c , x0 , d = 1.957e+05 , 1.872e-03 , 1.158e-06 , -5.949e-03 , 5.579e-03

--Nero2401 22:09, 1. Sep. 2011 (UTC)

Kal 2012-12-28

In [7]: x=lies_Verzeichnis('/home/nero2401/at_kuffner_kali/', Datenschritt=1, Format="Lightrouter")
In [13]: x.Observer.elev=280; x.Observer.lat="48:12:46.13"; x.Observer.long="16:17:28.75"; # KSW
In [14]: x.Berechne_Sonne();x.Berechne_Mond();x.plot_NatLight()
In [91]: syd1=(x.JD>mx.DateTime.DateTime(2012,8,20,2,35,0).jdn) & (x.JD<mx.DateTime.DateTime(2012,8,20,8,30,0).jdn)
In [92]: syd2=(x.JD>mx.DateTime.DateTime(2012,8,19,15,20,0).jdn) & (x.JD<mx.DateTime.DateTime(2012,8,19,19,0,0).jdn)
In [93]: syd3=(x.JD>mx.DateTime.DateTime(2012,8,20,14,5,0).jdn) & (x.JD<mx.DateTime.DateTime(2012,8,20,16,0,0).jdn)
In [95]: SELECT=(syd1|syd2|syd3)&ssh1
In [96]: x.fit_em1_to_natLight(JD_select=SELECT, Lux_range=[0.001,300000]);
Fit: a,b,c,x0,d,: 1.962e+05,3.975e-03,8.164e-07,-6.681e-03,5.068e-03, (res2/(N-n-1))^1/2 = 0.105 ,N=15580,n= 5
In [103]: a,b,c,x0,d= 1.962e+05,3.975e-03,8.164e-07,-6.681e-03,5.068e-03
In [104]: execfile("FL_draw_all_plots.py")
In [106]: x.plot_Sunlight_Watt_per_square_meter_from_JD_DM(surface_pressure=1019.0, T_dew_C=15.0, factor=110.9, c='c', marker=',' , linestyle=':')


  kalibration vom 28.12.2012
  daten von august 2012
  (res2/(N-n-1))^1/2 = 0.105 

a,b,c,x0,d= 1.962e+05,3.975e-03,8.164e-07,-6.681e-03,5.068e-03 factor=110.9

... von nero; --GuentherWuchterl 17:28, 29. Dez. 2012 (UTC)

L6 on mast N of dome

2009-05-01 - 2011-05-30

Lightmeter L6, Quantenbox (unitl April 30th 2009)

bis 30 April 2009: "Quantenkasten" im Osten des KSW-Rungangs)


Apr 09: 1.62e-06*L5-cnts + 4.61e-02

L6, Weather-mast, roof of Vertical circle, N of refractor dome (since May 1st 2009)

KSW 11.4

Voltcraft; 7.15e-07 Lux/Ampere +/- 5.5e-08 n=26 0.2 bis 0.02 lx; 11. April 09

Measurement of straylight, Mon, Dec 29th 2009

Test of the effect of a light to illuminate an appartment building N of the observatory. The light is of mushrom type with uplight illuminating part of the refractor dome that is reflected back onto the sensor. The light shines through the leaveless trees during the winter.

Measurments of the effect by shielding the light with a white A1-poster (on/off).

Results: on/off difference

All measurments: 1.3 +/- 0.7 mlx (Median 1mlx);
Sensor in Moon-shadow: 0.6 +/- 0.14 mlx;
Sensor in Moonlight: 1.8 +/- 0.4 mlx;

--GuentherWuchterl 20:59, 29. Dez. 2009 (UTC)

 Datum	Zeit	Lux			  
 28. Dez. 2009	21:07:00	0.0252			
 28. Dez. 2009	21:09:25	0.0256	-0.0004	0.0004	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:07:00	0.0249	0.0007	0.0007	  
 28. Dez. 2009	21:09:30	0.0256	-0.0007	0.0007	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:11:11	0.0249	0.0007	0.0007	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:13:13	0.0254	-0.0005	0.0005	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:15:00	0.0247	0.0007	0.0007	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:16:00	0.0251	-0.0004	0.0004	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:18:00	0.0246	0.0005	0.0005	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:07:00	0.0392			
 28. Dez. 2009	21:07:00	0.0373	0.0019	0.0019	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:07:00	0.0256			
 28. Dez. 2009	21:35:00	0.1210			
 28. Dez. 2009	21:35:04	0.1230	-0.0020	0.0020	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:35:25	0.1220	0.0010	0.0010	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:35:45	0.1240	-0.0020	0.0020	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:36:03	0.1230	0.0010	0.0010	  
 28. Dez. 2009	21:36:24	0.1250	-0.0020	0.0020	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:36:44	0.1230	0.0020	0.0020	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:37:07	0.1250	-0.0020	0.0020	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:37:24	0.1230	0.0020	0.0020	
 28. Dez. 2009	21:37:46	0.1250	-0.0020	0.0020	
 				0.0013	Mittel

Kugelleuchte bei Ottakringer Bad, Dez. 2011

Nach Gesprächen (GW) wird die Kugelleuchte in den Innenraum des Bades versetzt (5.1)

Abblendung der Leuchte im N der Kuppel (4.1.2012)

Abblendung der Leuchte in Richtung auf die Sternwarte (Durchführung W.W.) am 4.1.2012. Damit sollte der Hintergrund für die Messungen im N um 1.3 +/- 0.7 mlx reduziert werden (sie oben).


Wetterstation Kuffner-Sternwarte: http://ksw.astronomie-wien.at/

Nearby Private Wetterstation Penzing

WH --GW (talk) 14:54, 28 April 2016 (CEST)