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* [https://www.foto-webcam.eu/webcam/ossiacherberg/2023/03/11/1700 Ossiacherberg Foto-Webcam]
* [https://www.kso.ac.at/beobachtungen/wetterarchiv.php KSO-Wetterarchiv]
* [http://cesar.kso.ac.at/ KSO Synoptisches Archiv - inklusive Webcam]

Revision as of 17:22, 12 March 2023

   Sonnenobservatorium Kanzelhöhe since 20.8.2009        
 Web: http://www.kso.ac.at/

The original sensor was the number L19 of the original International Year of Astronomy 2009, prototype series. It recorded from August 2009 to June 2017. The new sensor is a Mark 2.3l, recording since 2019-04-18 12:00 UTC.


LP045 nahe Globalstrahlungs-Instrumentengruppe W-Dach; Achtung als Stationskennung wird derzeit weiter at_KSO_2 übertragen.

Getauscht gegen Mittag auf Kaminstutzen;

To get more distance from the Aeronet and a french experiment, the position was moved about 2m to the SW end of the platform, just south of the total radiation multiple radiometers, and 1,5 m W of the star-pyrrheliometer.

Fertgi positioniert 14h MESZ

--GW (talk) 12:31, 18 April 2019 (CEST)


Same Sensor but with PCDuino after Computer Hardware failure in operation until lightning strike

Kennung: AT_KSO_1 / L19

   (until Juni 2009 in Davidschlag/Linz-LAG (Hamburger Sternwarte?)
 destroyed by lightning before 2017-06-22 . 

19 TLS 2.7

Destruction image at top: The Lightmeter at_KSO_1 after a Lightning strike near 2017-06-22. Bild (right) Werner Poetzl, KSO, 2017-06-22 08:42:52

Data-set 2009-10-20 to 2017-06-30.

destroyed by lightning 2017-06-30. --GW (talk) 17:20, 30 June 2017 (CEST)

   Hier die gesammelten Kalibrationskoeffizienten für AT_KSO_1
   X = c ( b (a exp (n(1+dT)/a) - 1) + n ) 
   n ... counts (sensor output)
 X ... physical quantity (total radiation in [W/m²] 
       or horizontal illumination [Lux]) 
   a = 1.1282e+05, b = 1.0924e-03, c = 5.7836e-09, d = 3.9002e-03  [W/m²]
 a = 1.1282e+05  b = 1.0924e-03  c = 5.1146e-07  d = 3.9002e-03  [Lux]

Background X0= 0.444 mlx
  Conversion factors determined from total radiation model and independent
total radiation measurments.


Data: 20/21 Okt
In [296]: SJD=(X.JD > mx.DateTime.DateTime(2009,10,20,4,10).jdn) & (X.JD < mx.DateTime.DateTime(2009,10,20,17,13).jdn)
In [297]: X.fit_em1_to_natLight(Lux_range=[0.0001, 300000], JD_select=SJD, type='em1c0T')
Out[297]: (array([  1.12824157e+05,   1.09241434e-03,   5.11458483e-07, -4.44001757e-04,   3.90019899e-03]), 1)
In [308]: plot_date(X.JD-X.pylab_JD0,X.Sunlight_Watt_per_square_meter_from_JD_DM(X.JD,surface_pressure=840.0, T_dew_C=2.0)*0.85/X.Watt_per_square_meter_per_Lux ,'c,', label='DM model,84.0/T_d=2.0/k=2.78')

In [309]: 5.11458483e-07/(0.85/X.Watt_per_square_meter_per_Lux Out[309]: 5.174756416235294e-09 ~ 5.18E-9

--GuentherWuchterl 20:25, 2. Mai 2010 (UTC)

20:28, 2. Mai 2010 GuentherWuchterl

WH --GW (talk) 22:22, 28 April 2016 (CEST)

Kontrollbesuch SW 26.Oktober 2020

Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters
