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(Garmin GTN 750)
(Flug 2021)
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             If a waypoint to be imported is located within 0.001 degree (latitude and longitude) of an existing user waypoint in the GTN, the existing waypoint and name will be reused.
             If a waypoint to be imported is located within 0.001 degree (latitude and longitude) of an existing user waypoint in the GTN, the existing waypoint and name will be reused.
== Werkzeuge ==
==Extra Flugbedingungen==
# Aerosol-Messstastionen
# [NPP-Passage https://www.heavens-above.com/passdetails.aspx?lat=48.2084&lng=16.3725&loc=Wien&alt=0&tz=CET&satid=37849&mjd=59436.0246883508&type=A]
= Werkzeuge =
=== Kandidaten ===
=== Kandidaten ===

Revision as of 12:24, 3 August 2021

Flug 2021


Garmin GTN 750

  1. Anleitung für Waypoint import von Garmin; Kurz: Leere SD-Karte oder USB-stick , Excel oder ähnlich, Datei Koieren; weiterleitung über Menu
  2. Specs für Listes (aus der obigen Garmin Webseite 2021-07-11:
4-spaltiges csv das umbenannt wird auf "user.wpt
 "3. Save the newly created file as a comma-separated value (CSV) file and then change the name of the file to ", as shown below"
 "Waypoint Consideration):
           Column A is the Waypoint Name (waypoint name can be up to six alpha numeric characters), Column B is the Waypoint Comment (waypoint comment can be up to 25 alpha numeric characters), Column C is the Latitude with a (-) for southern latitudes, and Column D is the Longitude with (-) for western longitudes.
           The format for the latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees.
           Latitude can be up to two digits to the left of the decimal and up to nine to the right of the decimal.
           Longitude can be up to three digits to the left of the decimal and up to eight to the right of the decimal. 
           The letters in the waypoint name and comment need to be upper case letters.
           If a waypoint to be imported is located within 0.001 degree (latitude and longitude) of an existing user waypoint in the GTN, the existing waypoint and name will be reused.

Extra Flugbedingungen

  1. Aerosol-Messstastionen
  2. KSW
  3. [NPP-Passage https://www.heavens-above.com/passdetails.aspx?lat=48.2084&lng=16.3725&loc=Wien&alt=0&tz=CET&satid=37849&mjd=59436.0246883508&type=A]



  1. rawpy zum raw12 lesen


MACS / DLR Sensorsysteme

DLR Everest Segelflug-Kartierung

DLR-Videos Everest Flug DLR Everest Segelflug

"... Die im DLR entwickelte und gebaute Spezialkamera MACS (Modular Aerial Camera System) ist in einem druckfreien Instrumentenbehälter unter der Tragfläche eines Motorseglers Stemme S10VTX der FH Aachen montiert. Die Kamera wurde bereits im August 2013 während eines Fluges über dem Stubaier Gletscher in den Österreichischen Alpen erprobt."

MACS Himalaya