Revision as of 11:12, 10 July 2020 by GuentherWuchterl (Talk | contribs)
Axiom beta - m IRe
Start ./ (nur einmal! sonst Hänger trotz OK-LEDs) Mehr: Axiom beta wiki: Start_the_Camera Belichtung einstellen ./cmv_snap3 -z -e 12ms Historgrammm ./cmv_hist3 -b 16
convert -size 4096x3072 -depth 12 gray:- snap.png convert -size 4096x3072 -depth 12 gray:wega_10ms_0011.raw12 wega.png
for n in `seq 0 100`; do N=`printf "wega_20s_%04d" $n`; ssh root@beta-a './cmv_snap3 -r -2 -E' >$N.raw12; done
ACHTUNG: nicht -e und -E kombinieren ==> -e zum stzen der Belichtungszeit nur mit -z verwenden (kein Output); (Anonsten "Mischbilder")
Reboot shutdown -r now
Ausschalten: ./ shutdown -h now
Kontrolle: Kein blau Kein rot (kein Heartbeat): OK für Netztrennung; Grüne LED: Strom Rot LED: Problem - vermutlich SD-Karte nicht eingerastet Rot Heartbeart: OK Blau: FPGA - aktiv; Bild aktiv;
Mehr Axiom beta Wiki - Capture images
GW nach SP --GW (talk) 14:00, 29 June 2020 (CEST)
- Box starten
- Beta starten --- ./kick ...
- Belichtungszeit auf beta einstellen mit -z also ohne speichern
- Aufnahmen von zbox und auf zbox speichern
- beta stoppen ./halt
- beta hinunterfahren shutdown -h now
- transfer von zbox
Dunkelbilder aufnehmen
lsblk mount sd[bcd] /media/[A/1 A/2 B/1 B/2]
Da bereits Eintraege im fstab vorhanden sind, reicht es den Mount (bzw. Unmount) mit dem Pfad zu machen:
mount /media/A/1 mount /media/A/2 ... Serien:
Darks bitte zuerst auf der Kamera laufen lassen, Optik abdunkeln und dann die gewuenschte Belichtungszeit einstellen.
Dann auf der ZBox oder auf deinem Laptop mit ...
for n in `seq 0 100`; do N=`printf "dark_XXs_%04d" $n`; ssh root@beta-a './cmv_snap3 -r -2 -E' >$N.raw12; done
... eine Series von Dark Frames machen. XX entsprechend der Belichtungszeiten die wir hatten, also 5ms, 10ms, 12ms und 20s.
HP --GW (talk) 11:45, 7 July 2020 (CEST)
TOIs Auswahl
TOI Typ mag_T Mid-Transit +/- h_tr D d Peri h_So Vis Con RA Dec RA Dec Comment start [TESS] [UTC] [h] [°] [h] [%] [d] [°] [h] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1455.01 PC 10.2 06-11 00:14 0.1 66.2 2.6 1.63 3.6 -17 8.0 Cep 308.67 66.44 20:34:41 66:26.4 Could be large object if on 387259617; 4.8 sigma odd/even; secondary eclipse consistent with a ultrahot Jupiter; large PC; likely EB; TFOP FP 1568.01 PC 9.7 06-11 00:18 0.2 42.9 2.8 1.00 1.4 -16 8.0 Cas 8.99 65.03 0:35:57 65:01.6 check neighbors 1355.01 PC 8.7 06-11 00:38 0.2 60.1 2.2 0.56 2.2 -15 8.0 Cep 331.31 66.78 22:05:14 66:46.5
1518.01 PC 8.8 06-12 23:02 0.1 43.6 2.1 0.84 1.9 -19 8.0 Cep 352.27 67.03 23:29:04 67:02.1 1496.01 PC 10.0 06-14 00:51 0.3 67.1 6.9 0.54 10.8 -14 8.0 Cyg 327.27 53.29 21:49:06 53:17.6 Period is 21.65 days 1482.01 PC 10.1 06-14 23:07 0.5 41.7 4.7 0.70 5.7 -19 8.0 And 345.99 52.56 23:03:59 52:33.8 1264.01 PC 10.6 06-18 21:56 0.3 67.5 1.7 0.51 2.7 -17 7.9 Dra 287.24 57.34 19:08:58 57:20.7 TOI 1264 under investigation; 2 stars in pixel 1164.01 PC 9.3 06-19 21:33 0.4 46.2 2.2 0.86 3.2 -16 7.9 Cyg 307.34 37.51 20:29:21 37:30.5 Could be on neighbor 1480.01 PC 8.8 06-20 00:37 0.2 64.0 2.1 1.01 3.4 -15 7.9 Cep 332.61 63.55 22:10:27 63:33.0 Need stellar parameters; transiting object could be too large; highly variable star 1418.01 PC 6.8 06-22 00:28 0.3 65.1 2.6 0.00 0.7 -16 7.9 Dra 254.96 58.46 16:59:50 58:27.8
12-Jun Sichtung
1168.01 PC 10.4 06-23 23:14 0.3 70.0 1.7 1.07 2.1 -18 7.9 Cyg 301.71 38.43 20:06:51 38:25.9 HD 227727 F8 "full of stars!" 1516.01 PC 10.4 06-25 22:35 0.0 50.9 2.8 1.66 2.1 -18 7.9 Cep 340.08 69.50 22:40:20 69:30.2 TYC 4480-382-1 1426.01 PC 9.8 06-26 01:22 0.2 67.6 1.2 0.57 0.8 -11 7.9 Lac 339.03 37.84 22:36:08 37:50.4 v-shaped BD+37 4629 -- High proper-motion Star 1307.01 PC 10.8 06-26 01:31 0.1 69.1 2.0 0.53 2.5 -11 7.9 Dra 283.64 59.76 18:54:33 59:45.8 No radius TYC 3931-459-1 enger Doppestern 1498.01 PC 9.7 06-22 21:52 0.1 49.8 2.5 0.66 1.4 -17 7.9 Cyg 321.97 54.52 21:27:54 54:31.2 Some centroid offset; possibly NEB TYC 3970-551-1 B 10.31 [0.03] V 9.95 [0.03]
1518.01 PC 8.8 06-12 23:02 0.0 43.8 2.0 0.91 1.9 -19 8.0 Cep 352.27 67.03 23:29:04 67:02.1 F0 vor Dunkelwolke 1496.01 PC 10.0 06-14 00:51 0.4 67.4 6.9 0.59 10.8 -14 7.9 Cyg 327.27 53.29 21:49:06 53:17.6 Period is 21.65 days
1431.01 PC 7.8 06-16 23:25 0.1 63.0 2.5 0.57 2.7 -18 7.9 Cep 316.20 55.59 21:04:49 55:35.3 HIP 104051 , HD 201033 Am C ~ 1164.01 PC 9.3 06-19 21:33 0.5 46.5 2.2 0.86 3.2 -16 7.9 Cyg 307.34 37.51 20:29:21 37:30.5 Could be on neighbor BD+37 3951 Doppel; blaue Sterne 1480.01 PC 8.8 06-20 00:37 0.3 64.2 2.1 1.01 3.4 -15 7.9 Cep 332.61 63.55 22:10:27 63:33.0 Need stellar parameters; transiting object could be too large; highly variable sta - HD 210744 A2 1355.01 PC 8.7 06-24 00:58 0.0 66.6 2.2 0.61 2.2 -13 7.9 Cep 331.31 66.78 22:05:14 66:46.5 HD 210058 A2 E 1431.01 PC 7.8 06-24 22:15 0.1 57.6 2.5 0.57 2.7 -18 7.9 Cep 316.20 55.59 21:04:49 55:35.3 HD 201033 Am C ~ 1163.01 PC 9.4 06-25 22:20 0.5 53.5 2.3 0.46 3.1 -18 7.9 Vul 294.09 19.64 19:36:22 19:38.4 HD 231977 A0 E
13 Jun
TOI Typ mag_T Mid-Transit +/- h_tr D d Peri h_So Vis Con RA Dec RA Dec Comment start [TESS] [UTC] [h] [°] [h] [%] [d] [°] [h] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1496.01 PC 10.0 06-14 00:51 0.4 67.4 6.9 0.59 10.8 -14 7.9 Cyg 327.27 53.29 21:49:06 53:17.6 Period is 21.65 days TYC 3968-1907-1 LSPM J2149+5317 R 10.5, G 10.6-- High proper-motion Star 1728.01 PC 10.8 06-13 20:40 0.2 35.8 1.9 0.55 3.5 -12 7.9 Cam 120.61 64.80 8:02:27 64:47.8 UCAC4 774-029023 PM J08024+6447 -- High proper-motion Star 1776.01 PC 7.7 06-13 20:08 0.7 50.3 1.5 0.02 2.8 -9 7.9 UMa 164.78 40.98 10:59:06 40:59.0| W 229:07 21:48 HD 95072 G5, R 7.8 G 8.1 -- High proper-motion Star
TOI Typ mag_T Ing. Transit-Mitte +/- Egr. h_tr D d Peri h_So Sicht Sternb. RA Dec RA Dec ! KSW Refraktor Kommentar Start [TESS] [UTC] [UTC] [h] [UTC] [°] [h] [%] [d] [°] [h] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m]| [Transit - 2h]
1416.01 PC 9.1 20:23 06-13 21:07 0.3 21:51 75.3 1.5 0.05 1.1 -15 7.9 Boo 216.92 41.95 14:27:42 41:57.2| W 228:09 19:19 UCAC4 746-057465 -- High proper-motion Star Carmenes IC, R 12 1496.01 PC 10.0 21:25 06-14 00:51 0.4 04:18 67.4 6.9 0.59 10.8 -14 7.9 Cyg 327.27 53.29 21:49:06 53:17.6| W 216:49 13:58 Period is 21.65 days
Refraktor 23:20 - 0:15 MESZ:
1313.01 PC 9.7 06-13 22:49 0.6 57.0 1.6 0.16 0.6 -19 7.9 Cyg 303.82 36.65 20:15:18 36:39.1 | 20:15:18 36:38:54 303.827 36.648 | W 233:29 18:50 20:15:18 36:38:54 Targets.append(self.Objekt_AeK("20:15:18" ,"36:38:54", Name="TOI 1313.01" , Epoche=Epo, Datum=Dat))
1496.01 PC 10.0 06-14 00:51 0.4 67.4 6.9 0.59 10.8 -14 7.9 Cyg 327.27 53.29 21:49:06 53:17.6 Targets.append(self.Objekt_AeK("20:15:18" ,"36:38:54", Name="TOI 1496.01" , Epoche=Epo, Datum=Dat))
22. Juni
TOI Typ mag_T Ing. Transit-Mitte +/- Egr. h_tr D d Peri h_So Sicht Sternb. RA Dec RA Dec ! Kommentar Start [TESS] [UTC] [UTC] [h] [UTC] [°] [h] [%] [d] [°] [h] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m]| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1498.01 PC 9.7 20:38 06-22 21:52 0.1 23:05 49.8 2.5 0.66 1.4 -17 7.9 Cyg 321.97 54.52 21:27:54 54:31.2| Some centroid offset; possibly NEB TYC 3970-551-1 mag_V 9.95; cp; verm. DW
28. Juni
TOI Typ mag_T Ing. Transit-Mitte +/- Egr. h_tr D d Peri h_So Sicht Sternb. RA Dec RA Dec ! KSW Refraktor Kommentar Start [TESS] [UTC] [UTC] [h] [UTC] [°] [h] [%] [d] [°] [h] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m]| [Transit - 2h] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1135.01 PC 9.0 18:18 06-28 20:33 0.4 22:47 51.3 4.5 0.58 8.0 -12 8.0 Cam 193.40 85.13 12:53:35 85:07.8| W 184:58 18:22 5.5 sigma odd-even G0 1498.01 PC 9.7 20:23 06-29 21:36 0.1 22:50 51.5 2.5 0.66 1.4 -16 8.0 Cyg 321.97 54.52 21:27:54 54:31.2| O 144:37 21:48 Some centroid offset; possibly NEB ; TYC 3970-551-1
1327.01 PC 8.4 21:31 06-28 22:30 0.6 23:28 64.1 1.9 0.11 3.9 -18 8.0 Cyg 303.30 36.73 20:13:11 36:43.5| O 126:50 23:03 Likely synchronized and somewhat V shaped; A0 1163.01 PC 9.4 23:04 06-29 00:12 0.5 01:20 61.3 2.3 0.46 3.1 -17 8.0 Vul 294.09 19.64 19:36:22 19:38.4| O 109:45 23:40 A1
FOA Auswahl
1728.01 PC 10.8 06-13 20:40 0.2 35.8 1.9 0.55 3.5 -12 7.9 Cam 120.61 64.80 8:02:27 64:47.8 UCAC4 774-029023 PM J08024+6447 -- High proper-motion Star