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TOIs Auswahl 2020-06-10

   TOI   Typ   mag_T  Mid-Transit +/-  h_tr   D      d  Peri h_So   Vis   Con    RA       Dec     RA      Dec    Comment start
         [TESS]       [UTC]       [h]  [°]   [h]    [%]  [d]  [°]  [h]   [IAU]    [°]    [°]    [H:M:S]  [d:m.m]
 1455.01    PC 10.2  06-11 00:14  0.1   66.2  2.6   1.63  3.6 -17   8.0   Cep   308.67   66.44  20:34:41  66:26.4 Could be large object if on 387259617;  4.8 sigma odd/even; secondary eclipse consistent with a ultrahot Jupiter; large PC; likely EB; TFOP FP
 1568.01    PC  9.7  06-11 00:18  0.2   42.9  2.8   1.00  1.4 -16   8.0   Cas     8.99   65.03   0:35:57  65:01.6 check neighbors
 1355.01    PC  8.7  06-11 00:38  0.2   60.1  2.2   0.56  2.2 -15   8.0   Cep   331.31   66.78  22:05:14  66:46.5