General Description
Station Code AT_LINZ_UMB, Sensor Mark 2.3L, V06.10, S/N 918076.000
Located in Piberbach, Upper Austria, Austria (48° 06' 55.0" North, 14° 13' 41.1" East [1], ~340m ASL). The Lightmeter sensor is mounted on the stands of some solar collectors on the roof of a house. Using a USB extension and ~20 meters of network cable, the sensor is conneted to a Lightrouter (set up by Felix Linhardt) in the basement of the house. As no internet was available in the basement, the Lighrouter is connected to the network using Powerline adapters from TP-Link [http://www.tp-link.com.de/products/details/?categoryid=1658&model=TL-PA4010PKIT.
The distance to the city center of Linz is ~22 km (~19 km to the industrial plants in Linz), to the city center of Wels ~16 km, and to the city center of Steyr also ~16 km.