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[[File:Format SkysensorKepler-Sternwarte at LINZ 1 - Jän. - Jul. 2013 dist night.png|thumb|400px||Nighttime total radiation at the Kepler observatory in Linz (Austria) measured under the exceptionally cloudy conditions from January to July 2013 - most overcast nights since the beginning of the records.]]
[[File:Light Moonless Night Medians Vienna Lightmeter Network Comparisons 2012-2013.jpg|thumb|400px|Comparison of the clear moonless sky medians of total radiation (divide numbers by 10 for a proxy of horizontal illuminance) measured in 2012 and 2013 by the stations of the Vienna Lightmeter Network.]]  
= Old, July 2023 Version (php 5) - kept for documentation =
[[File:JP Setagaya 1 Jun-Dec 2012 distribution.png|thumb|right|400px|Light-levels measured at the Setagaya/Tokyo Lightmeter station. Distribution of the night-time total radiation in 2012 at Setagaya Read the article Long-term Measurement of the Night Sky Brightness in Japan Using Lightmeters: 2009-2012 Data: [http://id.nii.ac.jp/1060/00006365/]]
The current, new Version of the Lightmeter wiki is at [https://wiki.lightmeter.at wiki.lightmeter.at]
GW 2023-08-27
[[File:Dürrenstein Verteilung-2019-2020.png|512px|frameless|Dürrenstein 2019/2020 - Light - First Look August 2021]]
[[File:Wildalm Verteilung-2020.png|512px|frameless|Wildalm 2020 - Light - First Look August 2021]]
[[File:Nachthelligkeit Sonnblick.jpg|thumb|Lightmeter Station Sonnblick - Bild nach der Installation am 2020-09-23]]
[[File:Wildalm Verteilung Sommer-2020 DS1 kal2.png|thumbnail|Nacht-Lichtverteilungen Wildalm - Erstanalyse Testphase Sommer 2020]]
[[File:Lightmeter-Wildalm-Stationsaufbau-2020-05-24.png|thumbnail|Lightmeter-Station Wildalm - Messbeginn 2020-05-24 - GW]]
[[File:Hohe_Warte_Lightmeter_20200429_122628_1024.png|thumb|Hohe Warte Lightmeter nach der Übersiedlung am 2020-04-29 wegen Baumaßnahmen am Messturm]]
[[File:IMG 20190823 172828.jpg|thumbnail|Lightmeter am Hochbärneck. Ein Lightmeter Mark 2.3l (LP20) am Dach der Sternwarte Astrostation Hochbärneck, 2019-08-24. Im Hintergrund der Ötscher]]
[[File:Night-illuminance-distribution-Großmugl vs Geitzendorf.png|400px|thumb|right|First comparison of the Großmugl and Geitzendorf Lightmeters (Großmugl since Jan., Geitzendorf since Begin of measurments in May 2019). Both calibrated on the same day in June.]]
<big>The [[Lightmeter]] is a low cost instrument for global continuous monitoring of artificial night sky brightening (light pollution). The first version was developed for the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
= The Starlight and Lightmeter Wiki''' =
Light pollution is the introduction by humans, directly or indirectly, of artificial light into the environment. [http://amper.ped.muni.cz/light/lp_what_is.pdf *]
<span style="font-size:large;">'''Important:''' We are recovering after an attack and things will take time for full functionality. &nbsp;</span>
= The Starlight and Lightmeter Wiki =
<span style="font-size:large;">The status of May 2014 is saved at: </span>'''<span style="font-size:large;">[http://kuffner-sternwarte.at/hms/wiki/index.php5?title=Lightmeter The original Lightmeter Wiki]</span>'''
<span style="font-size:large;">If you need help please contact Verein@Kuffner-Sternwarte.at .</span>
[[File:Lightmeter KSO at KSO 3 LP045.jpg|thumb|right|New Lightmeter at the Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory, 2019-04-18]]
= [[Aktuell|News]] =
[[File:Verlauf mediane ab 2010-03-27 03-06-23.80 jährliche kalibration-1.png|thumb|right|7 years of monthly light medians from 2012 to 2018 for clear, moonless astronomical night conditions above the Dürrenstein Wilderness (red and green) measured at the Legstein hut (1456m) light monitoring station compared to a model of milky-way and zodical light (cyan). The indicated intervals ("error bars") show the 1-sigma variations of measurements and models for the respectice monthly samples. G. Wuchterl]]
'''Französische Lichtverschmutzungskarten für unterschiedliche Bedingungen''' http://www.avex-asso.org/dossiers/wordpress/?page_id=38#les-nouvelles-carte-de-pollution-lumineuse-2011
[[File:IMAG0576.jpg|thumb|right|Lightmeter-Station at the Legstein-Hut, 1456m, Dürrenstein Wildernis, http://wildnisgebiet.at in Feb. 2018. The Dürrenstein Wildernis is part of the Worlds Natural Heritage since 2017]]
'''June 30th''': Kepler-Obervatory: [[Kepler-Sternwarte Linz]] - computer change after 4.6 years of taking data - the original lightmeter is still running.
[[File:Legstein-Lightmeter 2018-02-27-IMAG0577 d.jpg|thumb|right|Lightmeter at the Legstein-Hut, 2018-02-27, View from the S - 250 cm of snow]]
'''June 28th''': We are slowly re-opening: edits are now possible with a confirmed Email-account: mail to verein@kuffner-sternwarte.at with your username-wish and we will send you the access. --[[User:Admin|GW]] ([[User talk:Admin|talk]]) 11:29, 28 June 2014 (CEST)
[[File:IMG 20170622 084252.jpg|thumb|right|A lightning strike on a Lightmeter. While Lightmeters routinely record lightning at day and night, this one came too close. The Kanzelhöhe-Lightmeter-Station, at_KSO_1 is the number L19 of the original International Year of Astronomy 2009 prototype-series. It recorded from August 2009 to June 2017, over eight years and outlived a couple of control-computers. The PCDuino used recently was also destroyed by the lightning near June 22th 2017]]
'''June 17th''': Import-Test [[Großmugl]]
[[File:Legensteinhütte mit Lightmeter 2017-02 12 IMAG0106.jpg|thumb|right|Lightmeter at the Legensteinhütte (on top of the mast on the right) in the Dürrenstein Wildernis Area during a maintainance visit 2017-02-11]]
'''May 29th:&nbsp;'''We are slowly recovering after an attack that vandalized the Lightmeter wiki. The attack happened during an upgrade to the new Mediawiki version.
[[File:Sun-reflecting-in es montsec during-May2016-COST-campaign.jpg|thumb|right|Digilum, Sky Quality Meters and Lightmeters united at Montsec during the intercomparison campaign in May 2016]]
'''May 3rd:''' Mediawiki update to Version 1.22.2 completed on May 3rd; GW -- 22:08, 3. Mai 2014 (CEST)
[[File:Lunar-eclipse-2015-08-28-Tautenburg-Lightmeters.png|thumb|right|The total lunar eclipse of September 28th 2015 as seen by the Tautenburg lightmeters. Horizontal illuminance is shown to drop to the mLux levels of a moonless sky.]]
'''Apr. 14th, 2014:''' Vienna's lightdome shows 10% increase 2013, the 3rd year of network-monitoring [http://wua-wien.at/home/publikationen/3%7C <b>Licht über Wien III (Vienna Environmental Protection Agency)</b>], [http://www.wua-wien.at/home/administrator/components/com_astatspro/getfile.php?id=153 (pdf, 3MB)]
[[File:Aurora_2015-03-18_TLS.png|thumb|right|200px|Lightmeter detection of the Aurora in northern Germany seen by many observers on 2015-03-18. A proxy for the horizontal illuminance is show as function of time [UTC]. The red and blue curves are for the two lightmeters with a raw calibration. The entire night is shown in the range below 3 mlx. The Auroral signal is visible as a triangular bump near 23:00 UTC. Graph: G. Wuchterl]]
[[File:Fireball at Tautenburg March2015 2015-03-15.png|thumb|200px||The March 2015 fireball recorded by the Tautenburg Lightmeters, 2015-03-15, G. Wuchterl.]]
[[File:Format SkysensorKepler-Sternwarte at LINZ 1 - Jän. - Jul. 2013 dist night.png|thumb|200px||Nighttime total radiation at the Kepler observatory in Linz (Austria) measured under the exceptionally cloudy conditions from January to July 2013 - most overcast nights since the beginning of the records.]]
[[File:Light Moonless Night Medians Vienna Lightmeter Network Comparisons 2012-2013.jpg|thumb|200px|Comparison of the clear moonless sky medians of total radiation (divide numbers by 10 for a proxy of horizontal illuminance) measured in 2012 and 2013 by the stations of the Vienna Lightmeter Network.]]
[[File:JP Setagaya 1 Jun-Dec 2012 distribution.png|thumb|right|200px|Light-levels measured at the Setagaya/Tokyo Lightmeter station. Distribution of the night-time total radiation in 2012 at Setagaya Read the article Long-term Measurement of the Night Sky Brightness in Japan Using Lightmeters: 2009-2012 Data: [http://id.nii.ac.jp/1060/00006365/]]
<span style="font-size:large;">For help contact Verein@Kuffner-Sternwarte.at .</span>
'''June, 20th''': [https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/517308.htm Lichtimmissionen - Neues Gesetz in Oberösterrreich angekündigt!]
'''April, 20th''': [https://www.k2wlights.de/MarkPro/de/Sensor.html k2wlights presents the Lightmeters 4: Urban and Alpine 'flavour']
'''March''': Second Epoch of "Lights over Vienna" - Measurements completed after third Helicopter flight
'''Nov., 16th''': [https://sound.orf.at/kalender/oe1/20221115/1905 Dunkle Zeiten - Ö1 - Dimensionen vom 15. November 2022 ]
'''Oct., 13th:''' [https://pmisson.users.earthengine.app/view/trends Sanchez etr al. maps of scattered light derived from VIIRS], see [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-64673-2 Sanchez et. al, 2020, The nature of the diffuse light near cities is detected in nighttime satellite imagery. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-16.]
'''May, 13rd:''' 20th anniversary of [http://www.inquinamentoluminoso.it/istil/venice/venicedeclaration.pdf The Venice declaration]
'''26.-30. Sept.:''' [https://rethinkthenight.com/ Rethink the Night 2022]
'''25. Sept.:''' [https://www.visitleiden.nl/de/kalender/1091303148/seeing-stars-leiden Seeing Stars Leiden]
'''14. Juli: Video:''' [https://www.youtube.com/embed/VESOBfcAk2c Seeing Stars]
'''April 4:''' Mark 2.3l driver works on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (beta).
'''März: Ankündigung:''' [http://www.lichtverschmutzung.de/symposium_2022/  15th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky April 30th – May 2nd 2022 in Fulda, Germany]
'''1. Februar:''' Grobkalibration des neuen Sensors der Station [[Heidelberg|Heidelberg]]
'''22. August:''' Erste Vergleichsgrafiken für die Stationen Wildalm und Dürrenstein.
'''30. April:''' Wetter-Wartephase für Startfenster für den Wiener Lichtflug 2021 beginnt.
'''19. April:''' Trägerplatform für dritten Wiener Lichtflug (Helikopter) fixiert; [https://www.parlament.gv.at/ZUSD/FTA/104_lichtverschmutzung.pdf ÖAW-ITA-AIT Dokument zur Lichtverschmutzung]
'''24. März.:''' [https://massmailer.univie.ac.at/action/mlr/pv?&idx=520764&cid=2646&uid=-217464165&sid=127&cks=48fac993 Uni-Wien Vortrag - Stefan Wallner]
'''Mar 21<sup>st</sup>'''': [https://www.bfn.de/fileadmin/BfN/service/Dokumente/skripten/Skript543.pdf Leitfaden zur Neugestaltung und Umrüstung von Aussenbeleuchtungsanlagen (BFN D)]
'''Mar 19<sup>th</sup>'''':[https://www.iau.org/static/publications/dqskies-book-29-12-20.pdf IAU Dark and Quiet Skies Book]
'''Mar 12<sup>th</sup>'''': [https://www.tiroler-umweltanwaltschaft.gv.at/naturschutz/positionen/single/positionspapier-reihe-kunstlicht-in-der-nacht/ Kunstlicht in der Nacht - Positionspapier der Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft]
[https://www.anpcen.fr/index.php5?id_rub=&id_ss_rub= Neue Abschaltregeln in Frankreich (ANCPEN)]
'''Feb. 24'''<sup>th</sup>: [https://www.fundacionstarlight.org/docs/files/79_declaracion-sobre-la-defensa-del-cielo-nocturno-y-el-dereho-a-la-luz-de-las-estrellas-aleman.pdf Das Recht auf Sternlicht - La Palma Deklaration (Fundacion Starlight)]
'''Jan. 21<sup>st</sup>:''' [https://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20210125_OTS0056/simaprokop-neue-wiener-strassenbeleuchtung-startschuss-fuer-phase-2-des-grossen-lampentausches Auftakt für den zweiten Teil des ''großen Wiener Lampentausches'', nahe Sternwarte Ottakring (MA33/Sima/Ottakring/Prokop) APA/OTS]
'''Sept 25<sup>th</sup>:''' Results of five month test-measurements at [[Wildalm]] (1756 m)
'''Sept. 23<sup>th</sup>:''' Start of measurements at [[Sonnblick]] observatory (3106 m).
'''July 5<sup>th</sup>:''' [https://www.wien.gv.at/umweltschutz/pdf/licht-ueber-wien-vii.pdf Licht über Wien VII: 2009 - 2019] - Verein Kuffner-Sternwarte im Auftrag der Stadt Wien, MA 22.
'''May 23<sup>th</sup>:''' [[Wildalm|Lightmeter Station Wildalm - Start of measurments]]
'''May 5<sup>th</sup>:''' [https://www3.astronomicalheritage.net/images/astronomicalheritage.net/media/ahp_entities/entity000087/Wuchterl_Starlight_Oasis_Generalities.pdf General considerations for relatively dark starlight/dark-sky areas with few or no direct cultural connections] now available via [https://www3.astronomicalheritage.net/index.php/show-entity?identity=87&idsubentity=1 Eastern Alpine and Großmugl starlight areas  - Full case study for Astronomy and World Heritage].
'''April 29<sup>th</sup>:'''New [[Hohe_Warte]] Lightmeter (since 2020-01-14)
'''Nov. 3<sup>rd</sup>-5<sup>th</sup>:''' [https://www.mayodarkskyfestival.ie/symposium European Symposium for the protection of the night sky]
'''Oct. 29<sup>rd</sup>-5<sup>th</sup>:''' [[Landretter]]- Filmpremiere bei der DOK Leipzig 2019. Datum. 28.10.2019 - 03.11.2019
'''Oct. 20-23<sup>rd</sup>:''' [https://starlightconference.org/ New Zealand Starlight Conference]
'''Sep. 2<sup>nd</sup>:''' Infos zu [[Licht_im_Bayrischen_Naturschutzgesetz]]
'''Aug. 23<sup>rd</sup>:''' Hochbärneck Lightmeter [[at_Hochbaerneck-sechs-LP20_1]] at 92 km from Vienna installed to monitor growth of Vienna light dome that is currently estimated to reach below natural light levels at 70 km.
'''Aug. 11<sup>th</sup>:''' Three month comparison of Geitzendorf [[at_Geitzendorf_1]] and Großmugl.
'''May 2<sup>nd</sup>:''' Lightmeter network extension at Geitzendorf [[at_Geitzendorf_1]] to investigate light pressure on the Großmugl Starlight oasis.
'''May 1<sup>st</sup>:''' The sixth report on the "light over Vienna" containing the 2011-2018 light-monitoring and the relations to air quality indicators and clear atmosphere properties is officially published:
[https://www.wien.gv.at/kontakte/ma22/studien/natur.html Licht über Wien VI (MA22)]
[https://www.wien.gv.at/umweltschutz/lichtverschmutzung.html Licht über Wien VI (Wiener Umweltanwaltschaft)]
'''April 18<sup>th</sup>:''' New sensor for the [[Sonnenobservatorium Kanzelhöhe]], the
original sensor form the IYA prototype series, recording since August 2009 had been destroyed by a lightnight strike.
'''September 27<sup>th</sup>:'''  [https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/?p=geographic&l=VIIRS_SNPP_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),VIIRS_Black_Marble,Reference_Labels(hidden),Reference_Features(hidden),Coastlines(hidden),VIIRS_SNPP_DayNightBand_ENCC(hidden),VIIRS_Night_Lights(hidden)&t=2016-12-08&z=3&v=-145.09126104686823,4.798978061867103,-51.92719854686821,57.5333530618671 Earth at Night: Black Marble 2017 in NASA Worldview]
'''September 4th:''' Lightmeter- [[Lightmeter-Driver#Instructions_for_Ubuntu_18.04_-_Bionic_Beaver|Installation-Instructions for Ubuntu 18.04 - Bionic Beaver]]
'''August:''' Kuffner-Observatory and the IAU General Assembly
* [http://astronomy2018.cosmoquest.org/newspaper/visit-the-astronomers-garden-at-kuffner-observatory/ Astronomers Garden - Thilina Heenatigala in Keplerschen Nachrichten]
* [http://astronomy2018.cosmoquest.org/newspaper/reaching-for-the-dark-skies-in-vienna/ Reaching for the Dark Skies in Vienna - Connie Waker in Keplersche Nachrichten]
* [http://astronomy2018.cosmoquest.org/newspaper/global-hands-on-universe-ghou-community-gathers-in-vienn/ Global Hands-On Universe Community Gathers in Vienna      written by: Richard Gelderman]
* [http://astronomy2018.cosmoquest.org/newspaper/10-lesser-known-celestial-gems-in-vienna/ 10 Lesser-Known Celestial Gems in Vienna      written by: Maria Pflug-Hofmayr, Keplersche Nachrichten]
'''June 26th:''' [https://kurier.at/chronik/wien/lichtverschmutzung-heller-wahnsinn-ueber-wien/400056614 Lichtverschmutzung - Heller Wahnsinn über Wien (Kurier zuer Langzeit Studie des Vereins für Stadt Wien, MA 22)]
'''April 14:''' Lightmeter installation intructions for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver on the [[Lightmeter-Driver]] page.
'''March 24th:''' [http://www.darksky.ch/dss/de/2017/05/la-palma-deklaration-10-jahre-appell-an-die-vernunft/ Deklaration von La Palma - Deutsche Übersetzung von Dark Sky Switzerland zum 10. Jubiläum]
'''Feb 26th:''' Studie der [http://www2.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/internetpub/InternetPubPublikationDetail.jsp?SessionID=SID-CD0FBC6F-57BA4CBF&xmlid=Seiten%2F115999.htm&pbNr=300594&dest=ooe Abteilung Umweltschutz des Landes Oberösterreich] zu Messnetz und Sternenparks: [http://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/files/publikationen/us_nachthimmelshelligkeit.pdf Langzeitmessungen der Nachthimmelshelligkeit und Möglichkeiten für Nachthimmels-Schutzgebiete in Oberösterreich]
'''Feb 6th:''' Großmugl and Eastern Alpine Starlight Areas - chapter available:[https://www3.astronomicalheritage.net/index.php/thematic-study-2-contents Astronomy and World Heritage - Thematic Study, 2nd edition].
'''Jan 2018''': [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022407317304442 Measuring night sky brightness: methods and challenges] - a comparison on present techniques and concepts. Also at [https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.09558 Measuring ... (archive.org)]
'''Nov 24th:''' [http://www.astronomicalheritage.net Astronomy and World Heritage - Thematic Study, 2nd edition - with full case studies of the Eastern Alpine and Großmugl Starlight Areas published and available as book]
'''July 8th:''' [http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/1686/ UNESCO World Heritage Committee inscribes Dürrenstein Wilderness on the world heritage list as part of the Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe], [http://wildnisgebiet.at/ Dürrenstein Wildernis]
'''30th June''' [[Sonnenobservatorium Kanzelhöhe|Kanzelhöhe]] Lightmeter and Arduino-Logger destroyed by lightning.
'''28th May:''': Dürrenstein Light Monitoring 2010 - 2017 - first results appeared in [https://global-uploads.webflow.com/636a5590a698034c76044f99/63cae2a1f775113cf46734a6_SilvaFera%20Nr%206_2017.pdf Silva Fera 6, pp.77]; (
old, obsolete links: [http://www.wildnisgebiet.at/produkt/silva-fera-band-6-april-2017/ Silva Fera 6, pp.77];      [https://www.wildnisgebiet.at/produkt/silva-fera-band-6-mai-2017/ Silva Fera 6])
'''27. April:''': Urteil des OÖ LVWG zu Effektbeleuchtung in Natura-2000 Gebiet: [[File:551086 OÖ Umweltanwalt Urteil des LVWG zu Effektbeleuchtung in Natura-2000-Gebiet.pdf | Urteil des OÖ LVWG zu Effektbeleuchtung in Natura-2000 Gebiet]]; Info von OÖ Umweltanwalt Martin Donat am 2017-04-27; --[[User:GuentherWuchterl|GW]] ([[User talk:GuentherWuchterl|talk]]) 16:01, 3 May 2017 (CEST)
'''March''': [https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/NightLights/ Earth at Night - Black Marble 2016 (NASA)]
'''Mar. 13th''': Media-report on [https://inwien.at/Blaumeisen-im-Wienerwald.43928.0.html Clara Leutgeb and „Does light pollution affect wild birds? An experiment on blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) in the Viennese Forest“] with a new [https://www.wien.gv.at/video/1239/Weniger-Licht-der-Umwelt-zuliebe Video on Vienna's lights and the Helicopter study of uplight]
'''Feb. 16th''': Presentation of the full light-ballance of the city of Vienna at a media conference at the Vienna Natural History Museum [http://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/jart/prj3/nhm/data/uploads/Pressemappe_Lichtverschmutzung_final.pdf Pressemappe]. The full ballance was made possible after the completion of the Helicopter aerial survey of the city lights in all directions. Media response examples: [http://www.wienerzeitung.at/nachrichten/wien/stadtleben/874354_Zu-viel-Licht-ueber-Wien.html Zuviel Licht über Wien (Wiener Zeitung)], [http://wien.orf.at/news/stories/2826164/ Nächtliches Lichtverbot für Geschäfte gefordert]
'''Feb. 8th''': Report from the 2016 Montsec Intercomparison campaign of methods to measure the night-light and artificial night-brightening:
[http://www.cost-lonne.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/2016_IC_Report.pdf Montesec Intercomparison Report (at LoNNe)]
'''Nov. 8th''': Presentation of the first results of the Vienna flight campaign to measure city light emission in all directions. This completes the Vienna light balance: outdoor lighting sources, use, immission resulting in skyglow and lightdomes:
[https://www.wien.gv.at/verkehr/licht/expertinnen-gespraech.html Erste Ergebnisse der Licht-Befliegung Wien - Präsentation beim ExpertInnen Gespräch der MA 33], [https://www.wien.gv.at/verkehr/strassen/einrichtungen/beleuchtung/led-tausch/pdf/licht-ueber-wien.pdf ... zweiter link]
'''June 21st''': [http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/21/health/led-streetlights-ama/index.html American Medical Association's warning on LED: cool it and dim it (CNN)]
'''June, 18th''': [http://cires.colorado.edu/artificial-sky 2D 3D high-res Viewer of the New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brighness]
'''June, 13th''': [http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/2/6/e1600377.full The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brighness (Falci et al. 2016) is there!] - [http://pmd.gfz-potsdam.de/contact/showshort.php?id=escidoc:1541893&contactform KML-Layer]
'''27th April:''' All [[Lightmeter-Driver|Lightmeter-Driver-Software]] now available on this wiki at the [[Lightmeter-Driver]] page. Most of the most important other pages - including the ones calibration and installation instructions - are now restored. If you hit a page that is still missing you find the backup at [http://kuffner-sternwarte.at/hms/wiki/index.php5?title=Lightmeter The old (damaged and readonly) Lightmeter Wiki]
'''26th April:''' The ''Lightmeter Mark 2.3l'' and ''Lightmeter Mark 2.4 pro'' are sold out. Mail Verein@Kuffner-Sternwarte.at to place pre-orders for the ''Mark 3 Lightmeter'' that is under development.
'''22nd April:''' Lightmeter "First Flight" successfully completed.
'''24. Nov.:''' Upper Austria's Light Monitoring Network has now completed its first year at two stations. More information on the nicely documented network of currently 23 SQM-stations with online-data access: [http://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/159659.htm Light Measurement Network of Upper Austria]. This is arguably the world's largest light monitoring network and most likely the only one run by a government. --[[User:GuentherWuchterl|GW]] ([[User talk:GuentherWuchterl|talk]]) 12:06, 24 November 2015 (CET)
The light-pages of upper Austria, [http://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/115999.htm Light at Night in Upper Austria] also contain an aerial survey of the lights of the Linz-Wels metro-area online and with SQM-data superimposed: [http://doris.ooe.gv.at/viewer/%28S%28hsmur4hqjenztwgxxtjh4sdx%29%29/init.aspx?ks=alk&karte=lichtverschmutzung&box=39540;325813;82451;359606 "Doris" online viewer of Linz at Night]
*'''[http://starbright.astronomy2009.at How many stars can we still see?]:''' Simple naked eye sightings of the Little Dipper or Orion serve to determine the quality of the world's night skies. [[How many stars can we still see?|'''more''']]
*[http://amper.ped.muni.cz/light/lp_what_is.pdf <i>What is Light Pollution?</i> by Jan Hollan]
*[[La Palma Deklaration]] und Nacht/Sternschutzgebiete (Starlight-Reserve)
*[http://amper.ped.muni.cz/weather/ PV light measurement at twilight and night, Brno Observatory]
== Österreich-Seiten: ==
*[[Nachthimmelsschutz - LichtVerschmutzung]]
*[[Wieviele Sterne sehen wir noch? - 2009]]
*[[Wieviele Sterne sehen wir noch? - Ergebnisse 2009]]
= Mediawiki Installationsmeldungen =
= Mediawiki Installationsmeldungen =
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== Starthilfen ==
== Starthilfen ==
*[[Lightmeter List]]
*[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings%7CListe%7Cder%7CKonfigurationsvariablen [1]]
*[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings%7CListe%7Cder%7CKonfigurationsvariablen [1]]
*[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:FAQ%7CMediaWiki-FAQ%7C%7C [2]]
*[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:FAQ%7CMediaWiki-FAQ%7C%7C [2]]
*[https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce Mailingliste neuer MediaWiki-Versionen]
*[https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce Mailingliste neuer MediaWiki-Versionen]
*[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Localisation#Translation_resources%7CLokalisiere%7CMediaWiki%7Cfür deine Sprache]
*[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Localisation#Translation_resources%7CLokalisiere%7CMediaWiki%7Cfür deine Sprache]
*  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87102902870

Latest revision as of 08:09, 28 August 2023

Old, July 2023 Version (php 5) - kept for documentation

The current, new Version of the Lightmeter wiki is at wiki.lightmeter.at

GW 2023-08-27

Dürrenstein 2019/2020 - Light - First Look August 2021 Wildalm 2020 - Light - First Look August 2021

Lightmeter Station Sonnblick - Bild nach der Installation am 2020-09-23
Nacht-Lichtverteilungen Wildalm - Erstanalyse Testphase Sommer 2020
Lightmeter-Station Wildalm - Messbeginn 2020-05-24 - GW
Hohe Warte Lightmeter nach der Übersiedlung am 2020-04-29 wegen Baumaßnahmen am Messturm
Lightmeter am Hochbärneck. Ein Lightmeter Mark 2.3l (LP20) am Dach der Sternwarte Astrostation Hochbärneck, 2019-08-24. Im Hintergrund der Ötscher
First comparison of the Großmugl and Geitzendorf Lightmeters (Großmugl since Jan., Geitzendorf since Begin of measurments in May 2019). Both calibrated on the same day in June.

The Lightmeter is a low cost instrument for global continuous monitoring of artificial night sky brightening (light pollution). The first version was developed for the International Year of Astronomy 2009.

Light pollution is the introduction by humans, directly or indirectly, of artificial light into the environment. *

The Starlight and Lightmeter Wiki

New Lightmeter at the Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory, 2019-04-18
7 years of monthly light medians from 2012 to 2018 for clear, moonless astronomical night conditions above the Dürrenstein Wilderness (red and green) measured at the Legstein hut (1456m) light monitoring station compared to a model of milky-way and zodical light (cyan). The indicated intervals ("error bars") show the 1-sigma variations of measurements and models for the respectice monthly samples. G. Wuchterl
Lightmeter-Station at the Legstein-Hut, 1456m, Dürrenstein Wildernis, http://wildnisgebiet.at in Feb. 2018. The Dürrenstein Wildernis is part of the Worlds Natural Heritage since 2017
Lightmeter at the Legstein-Hut, 2018-02-27, View from the S - 250 cm of snow
A lightning strike on a Lightmeter. While Lightmeters routinely record lightning at day and night, this one came too close. The Kanzelhöhe-Lightmeter-Station, at_KSO_1 is the number L19 of the original International Year of Astronomy 2009 prototype-series. It recorded from August 2009 to June 2017, over eight years and outlived a couple of control-computers. The PCDuino used recently was also destroyed by the lightning near June 22th 2017
Lightmeter at the Legensteinhütte (on top of the mast on the right) in the Dürrenstein Wildernis Area during a maintainance visit 2017-02-11
Digilum, Sky Quality Meters and Lightmeters united at Montsec during the intercomparison campaign in May 2016
The total lunar eclipse of September 28th 2015 as seen by the Tautenburg lightmeters. Horizontal illuminance is shown to drop to the mLux levels of a moonless sky.
Lightmeter detection of the Aurora in northern Germany seen by many observers on 2015-03-18. A proxy for the horizontal illuminance is show as function of time [UTC]. The red and blue curves are for the two lightmeters with a raw calibration. The entire night is shown in the range below 3 mlx. The Auroral signal is visible as a triangular bump near 23:00 UTC. Graph: G. Wuchterl
The March 2015 fireball recorded by the Tautenburg Lightmeters, 2015-03-15, G. Wuchterl.
Nighttime total radiation at the Kepler observatory in Linz (Austria) measured under the exceptionally cloudy conditions from January to July 2013 - most overcast nights since the beginning of the records.
Comparison of the clear moonless sky medians of total radiation (divide numbers by 10 for a proxy of horizontal illuminance) measured in 2012 and 2013 by the stations of the Vienna Lightmeter Network.
Light-levels measured at the Setagaya/Tokyo Lightmeter station. Distribution of the night-time total radiation in 2012 at Setagaya Read the article Long-term Measurement of the Night Sky Brightness in Japan Using Lightmeters: 2009-2012 Data: [http://id.nii.ac.jp/1060/00006365/

For help contact Verein@Kuffner-Sternwarte.at .


June, 20th: Lichtimmissionen - Neues Gesetz in Oberösterrreich angekündigt!

April, 20th: k2wlights presents the Lightmeters 4: Urban and Alpine 'flavour'

March: Second Epoch of "Lights over Vienna" - Measurements completed after third Helicopter flight


Nov., 16th: Dunkle Zeiten - Ö1 - Dimensionen vom 15. November 2022

Oct., 13th: Sanchez etr al. maps of scattered light derived from VIIRS, see Sanchez et. al, 2020, The nature of the diffuse light near cities is detected in nighttime satellite imagery. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-16.

May, 13rd: 20th anniversary of The Venice declaration

26.-30. Sept.: Rethink the Night 2022

25. Sept.: Seeing Stars Leiden

14. Juli: Video: Seeing Stars

April 4: Mark 2.3l driver works on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (beta).

März: Ankündigung: 15th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky April 30th – May 2nd 2022 in Fulda, Germany

1. Februar: Grobkalibration des neuen Sensors der Station Heidelberg


22. August: Erste Vergleichsgrafiken für die Stationen Wildalm und Dürrenstein.

30. April: Wetter-Wartephase für Startfenster für den Wiener Lichtflug 2021 beginnt.

19. April: Trägerplatform für dritten Wiener Lichtflug (Helikopter) fixiert; ÖAW-ITA-AIT Dokument zur Lichtverschmutzung

24. März.: Uni-Wien Vortrag - Stefan Wallner

Mar 21st': Leitfaden zur Neugestaltung und Umrüstung von Aussenbeleuchtungsanlagen (BFN D)

Mar 19th':IAU Dark and Quiet Skies Book

Mar 12th': Kunstlicht in der Nacht - Positionspapier der Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft Neue Abschaltregeln in Frankreich (ANCPEN)

Feb. 24th: Das Recht auf Sternlicht - La Palma Deklaration (Fundacion Starlight)

Jan. 21st: Auftakt für den zweiten Teil des großen Wiener Lampentausches, nahe Sternwarte Ottakring (MA33/Sima/Ottakring/Prokop) APA/OTS


Sept 25th: Results of five month test-measurements at Wildalm (1756 m)

Sept. 23th: Start of measurements at Sonnblick observatory (3106 m).

July 5th: Licht über Wien VII: 2009 - 2019 - Verein Kuffner-Sternwarte im Auftrag der Stadt Wien, MA 22.

May 23th: Lightmeter Station Wildalm - Start of measurments

May 5th: General considerations for relatively dark starlight/dark-sky areas with few or no direct cultural connections now available via Eastern Alpine and Großmugl starlight areas - Full case study for Astronomy and World Heritage.

April 29th:New Hohe_Warte Lightmeter (since 2020-01-14)


Nov. 3rd-5th: European Symposium for the protection of the night sky

Oct. 29rd-5th: Landretter- Filmpremiere bei der DOK Leipzig 2019. Datum. 28.10.2019 - 03.11.2019

Oct. 20-23rd: New Zealand Starlight Conference

Sep. 2nd: Infos zu Licht_im_Bayrischen_Naturschutzgesetz

Aug. 23rd: Hochbärneck Lightmeter at_Hochbaerneck-sechs-LP20_1 at 92 km from Vienna installed to monitor growth of Vienna light dome that is currently estimated to reach below natural light levels at 70 km.

Aug. 11th: Three month comparison of Geitzendorf at_Geitzendorf_1 and Großmugl.

May 2nd: Lightmeter network extension at Geitzendorf at_Geitzendorf_1 to investigate light pressure on the Großmugl Starlight oasis.

May 1st: The sixth report on the "light over Vienna" containing the 2011-2018 light-monitoring and the relations to air quality indicators and clear atmosphere properties is officially published: Licht über Wien VI (MA22) Licht über Wien VI (Wiener Umweltanwaltschaft)

April 18th: New sensor for the Sonnenobservatorium Kanzelhöhe, the original sensor form the IYA prototype series, recording since August 2009 had been destroyed by a lightnight strike.


September 27th: Earth at Night: Black Marble 2017 in NASA Worldview

September 4th: Lightmeter- Installation-Instructions for Ubuntu 18.04 - Bionic Beaver

August: Kuffner-Observatory and the IAU General Assembly

June 26th: Lichtverschmutzung - Heller Wahnsinn über Wien (Kurier zuer Langzeit Studie des Vereins für Stadt Wien, MA 22)

April 14: Lightmeter installation intructions for Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver on the Lightmeter-Driver page.

March 24th: Deklaration von La Palma - Deutsche Übersetzung von Dark Sky Switzerland zum 10. Jubiläum

Feb 26th: Studie der Abteilung Umweltschutz des Landes Oberösterreich zu Messnetz und Sternenparks: Langzeitmessungen der Nachthimmelshelligkeit und Möglichkeiten für Nachthimmels-Schutzgebiete in Oberösterreich

Feb 6th: Großmugl and Eastern Alpine Starlight Areas - chapter available:Astronomy and World Heritage - Thematic Study, 2nd edition.

Jan 2018: Measuring night sky brightness: methods and challenges - a comparison on present techniques and concepts. Also at Measuring ... (archive.org)


Nov 24th: Astronomy and World Heritage - Thematic Study, 2nd edition - with full case studies of the Eastern Alpine and Großmugl Starlight Areas published and available as book

July 8th: UNESCO World Heritage Committee inscribes Dürrenstein Wilderness on the world heritage list as part of the Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe, Dürrenstein Wildernis

30th June Kanzelhöhe Lightmeter and Arduino-Logger destroyed by lightning.

28th May:: Dürrenstein Light Monitoring 2010 - 2017 - first results appeared in Silva Fera 6, pp.77; ( old, obsolete links: Silva Fera 6, pp.77; Silva Fera 6)

27. April:: Urteil des OÖ LVWG zu Effektbeleuchtung in Natura-2000 Gebiet: File:551086 OÖ Umweltanwalt Urteil des LVWG zu Effektbeleuchtung in Natura-2000-Gebiet.pdf; Info von OÖ Umweltanwalt Martin Donat am 2017-04-27; --GW (talk) 16:01, 3 May 2017 (CEST)

March: Earth at Night - Black Marble 2016 (NASA)

Mar. 13th: Media-report on Clara Leutgeb and „Does light pollution affect wild birds? An experiment on blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) in the Viennese Forest“ with a new Video on Vienna's lights and the Helicopter study of uplight

Feb. 16th: Presentation of the full light-ballance of the city of Vienna at a media conference at the Vienna Natural History Museum Pressemappe. The full ballance was made possible after the completion of the Helicopter aerial survey of the city lights in all directions. Media response examples: Zuviel Licht über Wien (Wiener Zeitung), Nächtliches Lichtverbot für Geschäfte gefordert

Feb. 8th: Report from the 2016 Montsec Intercomparison campaign of methods to measure the night-light and artificial night-brightening: Montesec Intercomparison Report (at LoNNe)


Nov. 8th: Presentation of the first results of the Vienna flight campaign to measure city light emission in all directions. This completes the Vienna light balance: outdoor lighting sources, use, immission resulting in skyglow and lightdomes: Erste Ergebnisse der Licht-Befliegung Wien - Präsentation beim ExpertInnen Gespräch der MA 33, ... zweiter link

June 21st: American Medical Association's warning on LED: cool it and dim it (CNN)

June, 18th: 2D 3D high-res Viewer of the New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brighness

June, 13th: The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brighness (Falci et al. 2016) is there! - KML-Layer

27th April: All Lightmeter-Driver-Software now available on this wiki at the Lightmeter-Driver page. Most of the most important other pages - including the ones calibration and installation instructions - are now restored. If you hit a page that is still missing you find the backup at The old (damaged and readonly) Lightmeter Wiki

26th April: The Lightmeter Mark 2.3l and Lightmeter Mark 2.4 pro are sold out. Mail Verein@Kuffner-Sternwarte.at to place pre-orders for the Mark 3 Lightmeter that is under development.

22nd April: Lightmeter "First Flight" successfully completed.

24. Nov.: Upper Austria's Light Monitoring Network has now completed its first year at two stations. More information on the nicely documented network of currently 23 SQM-stations with online-data access: Light Measurement Network of Upper Austria. This is arguably the world's largest light monitoring network and most likely the only one run by a government. --GW (talk) 12:06, 24 November 2015 (CET)

The light-pages of upper Austria, Light at Night in Upper Austria also contain an aerial survey of the lights of the Linz-Wels metro-area online and with SQM-data superimposed: "Doris" online viewer of Linz at Night



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